Arizona Foot

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Jones Fracture Fixation (Open Reduction and Internal Fixation)

Jones Fracture Fixation: Swift Bone Repair

A Jones fractures is an acute injury located at the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction of the outermost, fifth toe. The fracture is commonly seen as a result of different sporting activities.

In most cases fifth metatarsal fractures can be treated without the need of surgery, although if the problem is serious enough, open reduction and internal fixation may be required.

To prepare for the procedure, the patient is will be positioned and administered anesthesia. The surgeon will then create an incision along the outer side of the foot to access the fractured metatarsal.

During the procedure of Jones Fracture Fixation, the surgeon will insert one or more screws (in some cases additional hardware may be necessary) in order to keep the bone stable and allow it to properly heal over a period of about six to eight weeks. The screw crosses the fracture allowing for the ends of the fracture to be squeezed together. A separate incision may be needed if bone grafting is needed. Once  the procedure is over, the surgeon will close the incision bandage the foot while placing it in a splint.

After the surgery, patients are recommended to keep off the foot completely for at least seven to fourteen days. Some surgeons may allow you to bear weight on the foot, although in most cases it is highly disputed. In about six weeks, a walking brace or shoe may be used until the fracture is fully healed. Patients are usually able to return to full activity after about four months of healing.


Dr. Kris Dinucci