We reserve same day appointments for life’s unexpected foot and ankle injuries. Call us and be seen the same day if we have availability. You do not have to wait in the emergency room or pay a larger-than-needed copay with additional possible fees without seeing a specialist. With on-site digital X-ray and diagnostic ultrasound, we are able to clearly see the extent of the injury, and you can be evaluated by a foot and ankle specialist today.
If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, then please call for same-day appointment availability:
At Arizona Foot, we take great pride in the positive feedback we receive from our patients. Their satisfaction is our top priority. And we strive to exceed their expectations with every interaction. Here are a few testimonials from our valued patients:
At the Foot and Ankle Center of Arizona, we think it’s important that you have the knowledge you need to make good decisions about your foot and ankle care. Our knowledgeable staff is hospitable and focuses on providing excellent patient care. Our location: 7304 E Deer Valley Road Ste #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85255. Please reach out to our office with questions through the contact us or request an appointment page on our website.
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