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New feet pajamas? What you should know

The following helpful suggestions are  from on-line bloggers’ experiences with Feet Pajamas…

Babies spend a lot of time in footed pajamas

similar kinds of clothing. They also spend a great deal of their day being slid into or out of assorted baby holders — swings, car seats, baby wraps and other carriers.  See the following for small tips on feet pajamas that can be surprisingly helpful to a new parent!

Check Your Baby’s Toes

The plantar reflex is my personal favorite baby reflex. It’s the one that causes your baby’s toes to grip your finger when you poke the ball of their foot.

It takes only a moment to check your baby’s toes when you settle her/him into a carrier or baby holding article. Babies are born with two relevant reflexes here that makes this even easier.

When you run your finger along the outside of your baby’s foot, his toes naturally stretch out, and you can feel through his pajamas if his toes are straining against the fabric. This is called the Babinski reflex.

You can follow this with the plantar reflex check. Stroke your baby’s foot from their arch to their toes, and they’ll press back against your finger and grab you with their toes. Give your baby’s toes a little squeeze and check the status of his jammies.

If her/his toes are squished, he tends to straighten his legs, stiffen his body, or arch his back — this is your cue to check his positioning and clothing for comfort.

What to do With Squished Baby Toes

Don’t despair. You don’t need to take your baby out of the carrier. It’s easy to fix her pants or pajamas if they’ve ridden up a bit.

Reach between your carrier and your baby with both hands, through the leg holes (or “leg-hole area” — where her hips are) and grasp baby’s clothes near her armpits. Likely, you’ll feel some slack or bunching here. Tug it down toward her hips, gently removing the slack.

Do this again at the hips, pulling the fabric down over her diaper and toward her hip joints, as if you are pulling the slack out of a pair of stockings.

From here, it’s easy to tug the fabric again down the legs toward the knees, and then to grab the toes of baby’s pajamas and tug the slack out, freeing his toes for wiggling.

Kristi Hayes-Devlin

Toddlers: Preventing Falls From Slippery Feet Pajamas

My littlest munchie is tiny. Because of his small size he was in his baby sleepers for a long time. Even though he was small he was still wanting to stand and try to walk. With wood floors, and those slippery pajama feet, that was heart attack material for this mama. A potential disaster waiting to happen.

So what do you do in this situation? You add a non-slip grip to the bottoms of their sleeper feet. And what is the easiest and fastest way to do that?… Ready for it?…

Puffy Paint!!! Easy, cheap, quick, AND it works perfectly!

I know it’s not rocket science but you may need a quick and easy solution to this problem like I did!

You can use any pattern you want with the puffy paint. I’ve done hearts, lines, and chevron. But really anything will work.

 By Erica

Adults and Feet Pajamas, A Cautionary Tale

Last winter, I bought a footed sleeper from Target in boys size XL, the largest available size. I wasn’t sure if I’d fit into it, but it was cheap and cute, so I thought I’d give it a try.

When I got the sleeper home, I did manage to squeeze into it, barely. The feet in particular were very tight, tight enough that they made my big toenails hurt. I figured it wouldn’t kill me to spend some time in mildly uncomfortable clothes, and I wanted to get my money’s worth, so I wore the sleeper to bed a couple of times.

Months Later…

A few months later, I noticed that it had been a long time since I cut my left big toenail. A couple more months later, the skin around my toenail started looking red and a little painful. I thought maybe it was infected, but maybe the infection would go away by itself. That Friday afternoon, as I left work, I couldn’t walk to my car without limping.

I decided to go to the emergency room, where I was given a topical antibiotic, which didn’t cure the infection. Then, tried an an oral antibiotic, which also didn’t cure the infection. I finally went to a podiatrist. He told me he’d need to remove part of the nail. When I explained to him I thought the toenail might have been injured by wearing footed pajamas, he said the whole nail would have to go.

Happily, the procedure was quick and painless (thanks, Lidocaine!) but the whole ordeal was fairly icky. The toenail is still growing back. It’s too soon to tell whether I’ll get a healthy nail.

Morals of the Story:

1) Feet are fragile. Do not wear sleepers that are too small for your feet, no matter how cute they are.

2) If it’s Friday morning, and you’re not sure if you need to go to the doctor to have something looked at, just go.

3) Always be up front with your doctor about what may have caused the condition you have. If I had been too shy to tell my podiatrist I had worn footed PJs, I might still be dealing with this problem.



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