Services of Foot and Ankle Center of Arizona
At the Foot and Ankle Center of Arizona, we offer expert care for all foot and ankle conditions.

Have you had a serious ankle injury that resulted in a fracture? “Arizona Foot” is always ready for Ankle Fracture Surgery

If severe arthritis or a past injury has damaged your Ankle Fusion joint, a surgical procedure can help alleviate pain and..

Do you have a serious ankle injury? You may require arthoscopic ankle

Bunionectomy (Chevron Bunionectomy) is an outpatient procedure performed to correct a bunion

Weil osteotomy, sometimes referred to as distal metatarsal osteotomy, helps to relive the

The excision of mortons neuromas is a procedure designed to alleviate pain or

A Jones fracture is an acute injury located at the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction of the outermost

The procedure of Lateral Ankle Ligament Reconstruction, commonly referred to as ALR,

Do you have flat feet or fallen arches? This common condition often develops from an early age

Are flat feet causing you pain? Pes Planus or fallen arches are a common condition

The goal of the metatarsal fracture fixation (open reduction and internal fixation)

Have you experienced a significant injury your foot and ankle making normal movement impossible?

Do you have an unnatural bend in one of your toes? This painful condition

Is ankle pain affecting your ability to walk? Sustaining an injury, chronic arthritis or genetic disposition