Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Ligaments & Tendons

A healthy body is more than just your organs and bones, you also need to pay attention to your joints, ligaments, and tendons. Especially when it comes to your feet and legs. And a healthy foundation starts with a healthy lifestyle!

What are Tendons & Ligaments?

Tendons are thick bundles of collagen that connect muscle to bone and allow for movement. Where ligaments are flexible bundles of collagen that connect bone to bone and helps protect joints. Both are made of minerals such as copper, manganese, and calcium. 

Exercise & Stretch!

Of course, we want to exercise regularly for a healthy lifestyle. But it’s important to keep your tendons and ligaments in mind. This is why you should always stretch. And if something hurts when working out, don’t do it! Or try wearing a brace.

Tips for Healthy Ligaments & Tendons

For example, if you have a hard time running upstairs because it hurts your ankle, try wearing an ankle brace or find another source of cardio. 

Proper stretching is also crucial before AND after your workout to keep everything healthy! Get in the habit of stretching every morning after waking up to loosen up your body. 

However, if you ever experience severe pain or things worsen, always seek one of our specialists to examine your ankle ligaments and tendons. We can provide you with treatment options to help you find relief and to prevent these injuries from causing more damage. 


What you put into your body also plays a role in not only your health but the health of your ligaments and tendons. Your doctor can always recommend supplements to support joint, ligament, and tendon health, but there are some foods rich in nutrients that can help as well. 

Vitamin C – strengthen your body with vitamin C which can be found in guava, kiwi, oranges, bell peppers, kale, grapefruit, and berries.

Manganese – manganese also is beneficial for strengthening. Foods rich in manganese include pecans, walnuts, chia seeds, spinach, pineapple, flaxseed, and hazelnuts.

Vitamin B6 & B12 – to support nerve function, consume foods high in vitamin B6 & B12 such as salmon, chicken, beef, turkey, spinach, bananas, potatoes, and eggs.

Magnesium – For muscle relaxation, eat foods containing magnesium such as spinach, peanuts, avocado, soymilk, and almonds.

Zinc – zinc offers great immune support and helps with tissue formation. Foods rich in zinc include beef, lobster, baked beans, chicken, and cashews.

Treatment Options

At the Foot and Ankle Center of Arizona, we offer treatment options to help with injuries to your ligaments and tendons.

One of our most recommended non-surgical procedures is PRP. This treatment is especially beneficial for those who suffer from tendinopathy, which is inflammation to the tendons and ligaments. When they are damaged, they do not heal well and will need an effective treatment option. 

Platelet-rich plasma, also known as PRP, is plasma that has a high concentration of platelets and large amounts of proteins. These can help accelerate new tissue growth to repair damage and help with chronic pain. 

During a minimally invasive procedure, platelet-rich plasma is injected into damaged tissue. This is done by taking a small amount of blood from the patient and placing it in a processing unit to help separate the platelets and cells. The platelets and white blood cells are placed in a centrifuge and concentrated. This is what will be injected into the damaged tissue.  

Most patients experience no pain and often need around three injections for desired results. Soreness can be expected in the injection area, but the healing process is much easier than that of traditional surgery.