Foot & Ankle Center of Arizona

How to drain an infected toe: At the Foot and Ankle Center of Arizona, we’re well aware of how much discomfort you’re enduring, coupled with the concern that arrives when you have a toe infection looking so painful. Be it an unpleasant case of pus lingering underneath your toenail or just an ingeneral infected toe that’s red and swelling, the first priority would always be getting rid of it fast. In this comprehensive guide, learn how to approach an infected toe and foster healing.

How to drain an infected toe

Know the Enemy: Causes of Common Toe Infections

Toe infections can be caused by a wide variety of different villains. Here are some of the most common culprits:

Signs and Symptoms: How to Identify a Toe Infection

If you could identify the signs and symptoms and catch a toe infection early, you can effectively treat it. Here’s what to look out for:

The infected area will mostly turn red in color and swollen. It may sometimes be warm to touch. The toe may ache, especially upon application of pressure or wearing of shoes. It may have pus draining as it happens in cases of ingrown toenail infection. The toenail is thick, discoloration occurs which is in most cases accompanied by brittleness.

Itching and Burning: Some of the infection cases may lead to intense itching and burning between the toes and the soles of the feet.

When To Seek Professional Help

While most of the infections in the toe are well treated with home care, there are some situations where you need to seek professional help. Following are the essence indicators to visit the Foot and Ankle Center of Arizona:

Diabetic Foot Ulcers People with diabetes need to be watchful about their foot care. If one shows the first sign of diabetic foot ulcer, a serious complication, immediate attention is called for.

Beating the Infection: Home Care Strategies

Several home care strategies can help in treating mild to moderate toe infection and promote healing.

How to Drain an Infected Toenail–Ingrown Toenail in Particular

If you have an ingrown toenail accompanied by a development of pus, then the following is a step-by-step approach to attempting to drain it at home:

Important Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be medical advice. Sterile technique must be followed to minimize your risk of infection. Since each patient is different, it’s important to consult a podiatrist rather than attempt this if you have any confusion about performing any of the steps below.

What You’ll Need:

  1. Basin of warm water
  2. Epsom salts-optional
  3. Mild soap
  4. Antiseptic solution-rubbing alcohol or iodine
  5. Cotton balls or gauze pads
  6. Tweezers-sterilized with rubbing alcohol or iodine


Other Tips to Accelerate Healin

Remember: While home care strategies are adequate for mild infections of the toes, it’s always best to seek the help of a podiatrist for proper diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan. At the Foot and Ankle Center of Arizona, our well-experienced and highly professional podiatrists will instantly stand at your beck and call to solve all your foot and ankle problems so that you get on track toward a speedy recovery. There is no need to wait—just schedule an appointment with us if you have any questions or need professional assistance with your infected toe today