Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection Treatment for Achilles Tendonitis

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We often hear PRP injections and stem cell treatment grouped together. For PRP injections, a physician uses the patient’s own blood to separate platelets in a centrifuge. The platelets are then re-injected into the injured area, releasing growth factors that promote natural tissue healing.

Stem cell therapy is a completely different process. For the procedure, stem cells from either bone marrow or fat tissue used in conjunction with platelets. Stem cells from bone marrow, produce cartilage and typically used in treating arthritic conditions and sports injuries. Stem cells from fat tissue are utilized with platelets to heal an osteoarthritic joint.

Remarkable results have come from PRP injections as well as stem cell therapy. Common injuries or conditions that are often improved with these treatments include:

  • Tendonitis
  • Foot and Ankle injuries
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Plantar Faciitis
  • Arthritic joints
  • Overuse injuries

Information on the PRP machine

Magellan® Autologous Platelet Separator
Magellan is a fully-automated concentration system optimized to provide high concentrations of platelets and cells by removing platelet-poor plasma and red blood cells from bone marrow and/or whole blood.

The Advantages of Magellan

Every patient has a unique biological makeup with inherent variability. With Magellan, Physicians can tailor their treatment plans to meet the needs of each individual patient.

  • Adaptive technology adjusts processing based on patient’s specific blood and marrow composition
  • Optimized to provide high concentrations of platelets, progenitor cells, and platelet-associated growth factors
  • Fully-customizable system enables physicians to adjust potential concentration factors for each patient’s specific biology and treatment needs