Partial Nail Removal (Matrixectomy) is used to remove a portion of an ingrown toenail which causes pain or discomfort with a patient. The procedure also helps to prevent the ingrown toenail from returning. With the use of a local anesthetic, a matrixectomy is a simple operation that only requires a few minutes to perform.
To prepare for a partial nail removal, the toe is properly cleansed, the toe is put to sleep and then the doctor will place a constricting band around the toe in order to reduce blood flow. After the toe becomes numb, and the surgeon will gently lift the ingrown portion of the nail out from under the edge of the skin. A straight line is cut through this piece of the nail from the tip of the nail. This portion of the nail is then completely removed.
The surgeon will then treat the base of the nail (which is called the nail matrix) in order to prevent the ingrown toenail from coming back again. To accomplish the permanent correction cotton swabs are dipped in a special chemical solution which is held against the exposed nail matrix for a couple of seconds.
The chemical application prevents the nail cells in the matrix from growing again. This typically results in a slightly narrower toenail. When the nail has finished being treated, the surgeon will remove the constricting band and bandage and wrap the toe. Within only a few weeks, the toe will be completely healed.
At the Foot and Ankle Center of Arizona, we think it’s important that you have the knowledge you need to make good decisions about your foot and ankle care. Our knowledgeable staff is hospitable and focuses on providing excellent patient care. Our location: 7304 E Deer Valley Road Ste #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85255. Please reach out to our office with questions through the contact us or request an appointment page on our website.
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